Data Fields
tPERSONAL_DATA Struct Reference

User's DS settings. Defines the structure the DS firmware uses for transfer of the user's settings to the booted program. More...

#include <system.h>

Data Fields

u8 alarmHour
 What hour the alarm clock is set to (0-23).
u8 alarmMinute
 What minute the alarm clock is set to (0-59).
u8 birthDay
 The user's birth day (1-31).
u8 birthMonth
 The user's birth month (1-12).
u16 calX1
 Touchscreen calibration: first X touch.
u8 calX1px
 Touchscreen calibration: first X touch pixel.
u16 calX2
 Touchscreen calibration: second X touch.
u8 calX2px
 Touchscreen calibration: second X touch pixel.
u16 calY1
 Touchscreen calibration: first Y touch.
u8 calY1px
 Touchscreen calibration: first X touch pixel.
u16 calY2
 Touchscreen calibration: second Y touch.
u8 calY2px
 Touchscreen calibration: second Y touch pixel.
s16 message [26]
 The user's message.
u16 messageLen
 The length of the user's message in characters.
s16 name [10]
 The user's name in UTF-16 format.
u16 nameLen
 The length of the user's name in characters.
u32 rtcOffset
 Real Time Clock offset.
u8 theme
 The user's theme color (0-15).
unsigned int autoMode: 1
 The DS should boot from the DS cart or GBA cart automatically if one is inserted.
unsigned int defaultBrightness: 2
 Brightness level at power on, dslite.
unsigned int gbaScreen: 1
 GBA screen selection (lower screen if set, otherwise upper screen).
unsigned int language: 3
 User's language.
unsigned int settingsLost: 1
 User Settings Lost (0=Normal, 1=Prompt/Settings Lost)

Detailed Description

User's DS settings. Defines the structure the DS firmware uses for transfer of the user's settings to the booted program.

Theme/Color values:

Language values:

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: